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Times are exact, if you pay for an hour you get an hour! Any consultations or after care advice is not included in the session time.



Thermal Auricular Therapy (Hopi Ear Candaling) 30-40mins

One end of the candle is lit, and the other placed into the ear. The flame is extinguished between 5 and 10 centimetres (2-4 inches) from the subject.
The subject is lying on one side with the treated ear uppermost and the candle vertical. Afterwards the client lies on their back & a 5 min facial massage is given to help with relaxation & help drainage & blood flow. Many find it relaxing & uplifting.
Are there any contraindications?
Infection or inflammation of the ear, Ear Tumour, Lack of ear Drum, Perforation of the ear drum, Surgery of the ear drum, Auricular cysts/acute mastoiditis/otosclerosis/otospongiosi. Known allergy to bee products & Grommets.
Any other condition of the ear which may affect treatment.


Aromatherapy - 1 hour

Aromatherapy is an alternative therapy that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering a person's mind, mood & cognitive function.
The inhaled aroma from these essential oils stimulates brain function. Essential oils can also be absorbed through the skin, where they travel through the bloodstream. The oils are applied via a relaxing massage, which also aids lymph drainage, restful sleep & blood flow. 



Holistic Massage - 1 hour

Holistic Massage is a therapeutic application of touch that is also a supportive, relaxing & encourages the mind to slow down whilst energy is increased. This also lifts the spirit on an emotional level. Holistic massage benefits the mind, body and spirit. Massage relaxes taut muscles, aids lymphathic drainage. Physical and emotional stress can be reduced through therapeutic touch. Daily life impacts on our body in many ways. Although we can easily become tired, stressed, anxious and exhausted we seldom create the space to explore the therapeutic form of beneficial relaxation. Holistic massage can create improvement in the quality of sleep and concentration, improve circulation and waste removal and is accessible for all ages.


Reflexology - 45mins

Reflexology is an alternative therapy that applies massage to reflex areas on the  feet. Treatment will consist of a consultation, quick examine of the feet & then massage & pressure is applied to the zones of the foot. Many people find it relaxing & therapeutic.


Reflexology was introduced to the United States in 1913 by William H. Fitzgerald, M.D., an ear, nose & throat specialist, and Dr. Edwin Bowers. Fitzgerald claimed that applying pressure had an anesthetic effect on other areas of the body. Reflexology was modified in the 1930s and 1940s by Eunice D. Ingham, a nurse and physiotherapist.





Reiki​ - 30min & 1 hour sessions available

Reiki practitioners work on the 7 main chakras, they represent either an emotional, physical or spiritual imbalance. Reiki is not linked with any religion so will not interfere with your religious beliefs. The session is done fully clothed, the practitioner will place there hands over the chakras & other areas. It is a non intrusive treatment. Some clients experience heat, cold, tingling, some see colours & others have an emotional release or see images/symbols. Each individual & each session can be a different experience. Overall you feel relaxed & at peace. If you really don't like hands on, then the treatment can be done with hands hovering, please mention this beforehand. A short consultation will be done to identify any chakra blockages but there are no contraindications for Reiki, it is suitable for all.



Reiki Training

Reiki is simply energy but it is also a system in which we can apply this energy into daily life. Once an individual is attuned to Reiki through attunements or initiations, they are permanently linked without the need of conscious alteration of the mind, either through meditation, prayer or imaging.
Simply placing one’s hands on oneself, or another person, allows the energy to flow through the individual. It fills the Reiki practitioner’s body first & then flows out through the practitioner’s hands into the recipient.
Reiki energy comes from the Universe or Source and is an extremely powerful energy. Reiki does not conflict with other health-care modalities & it does not interfere with traditional medical treatment. Reiki is a tool for use at any moment, any time; anywhere for on the spot stress release & quick energy. In short, Reiki is a holistic self-help technique for directing natural life energy. No special environment or equipment is needed and age makes no difference. By following steps taught by a Reiki Master Teacher, anyone is able to direct Reiki to meet individual needs.

 Reiki training is commonly divided into three levels or degrees. The first level or degree, beginner level 1 forms the foundation of becoming a Reiki practitioner & involves four initiations or attunements to the Reiki energy. Because it is forming the fundamental basis for becoming a Reiki practitioner, level 1 is the most important. Once the training ends, a student’s initiation into the Reiki energy is permanent & this connection cannot be reversed.



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